Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting the most from your next massage

   In these times of economic uncertainty, it's important that you get the most for your money. At Massage Therapy Olympia, I want you to get the most from your massage session. So, to help you on your massage journey, I'm listing some helpful hints.

  • Arrive at your appointment a few minutes early. If you arrive exactly at your scheduled appointment time or 5 minutes after, that's less hands on time on the table that you receive. It also causes me to run late for other clients that are scheduled after you.
  • Turn off your cell phone. When you set your phone to vibrate, you can still hear it and it disrupts your relaxation. It's your hour of relaxation. Unplug and enjoy.
  • Give a thorough and accurate health intake and notify me of any changes in your health.
  • Let me know of any changes you have noticed between appointments. Be sure to communicate what you liked as well as what you didn't like from your session.
  • If talking or music is distracting to you, please let me know.
  • Provide feedback during your session. Please make sure to discuss any discomforts immediately. This includes pressure, speed of hand movements, areas that you need extra work on, etc.
  • Remember that the benefits of massage are cumulative. So, the more frequently you receive massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond.
Have a relaxing day and I'll see you soon for your next massage.
