Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Welcome Fall

After a busy summer, I finally feel like I am settling into my new office. I love the location and the off-street parking is a huge bonus. It's also easier to regulate the temperature. That's a huge bonus to, you, my clients.

In honor of Massage Therapy Awareness week at the end of October. I am running several package specials. Take a look at the October Newsletter for all the details. There is also an interesting study of the effects of massage on low-back pain included in the news letter.

I will be posting weekly specials on Massage Therapy Olympia's Facebook page. Be sure to "like" the page to keep up to date on the specials.

Happy Fall and Stay warm,


Friday, June 3, 2011

The Big Move

If you haven't already heard, MTO will be moving to a new location at 1017 4th Ave E on July 1, 2011. This was a huge decision for me since I've only been at my current location 5 months. I really didn't want to move but I do believe that the decision to change locations was in the best interest of MTO and it's clients.

As many of you may or may not know, Fish Brewing Company is no longer a locally owned company. It has been bought out by a large corporation based in Seattle. With that buy-out has come lots of growth, change, loss of parking and noise. To such a large company, I'm just a little fish (ha, ha) and I was feeling like I was about to be gobbled up. I didn't want to end up in the same situation as the Loft on Cherry so I began my search for a better location. I found it, dove in and swam to the safer area of the pond.

I sincerely hope that all of my clients understand my reason for moving. I feel like we will all be more comfortable and stable in the new office. It's much quieter and there is ample off street parking. It's also much easier to find. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Wendy Music, LMP
Massage Therapy Olympia

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting the most from your next massage

   In these times of economic uncertainty, it's important that you get the most for your money. At Massage Therapy Olympia, I want you to get the most from your massage session. So, to help you on your massage journey, I'm listing some helpful hints.

  • Arrive at your appointment a few minutes early. If you arrive exactly at your scheduled appointment time or 5 minutes after, that's less hands on time on the table that you receive. It also causes me to run late for other clients that are scheduled after you.
  • Turn off your cell phone. When you set your phone to vibrate, you can still hear it and it disrupts your relaxation. It's your hour of relaxation. Unplug and enjoy.
  • Give a thorough and accurate health intake and notify me of any changes in your health.
  • Let me know of any changes you have noticed between appointments. Be sure to communicate what you liked as well as what you didn't like from your session.
  • If talking or music is distracting to you, please let me know.
  • Provide feedback during your session. Please make sure to discuss any discomforts immediately. This includes pressure, speed of hand movements, areas that you need extra work on, etc.
  • Remember that the benefits of massage are cumulative. So, the more frequently you receive massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond.
Have a relaxing day and I'll see you soon for your next massage.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Prioritizing Our Health

   In our modern age of convenience and gadgets, it seems to me that we should have more time to donate to ourselves and our health care. However, even with all the wonders of the modern world, I can't help but notice how many times I've heard people say, "I just don't have time.", "Something has come up." or "I don't have the money."

   Time management and stress seem to go hand in hand. On my client intake sheet, I have a question that asks my clients to rate their daily stress level. Seventy-five percent of them rate themselves in the highest stress category. Apparently, all those modern conveniences and nifty little gadgets aren't helping with their stress either. Did you know, the American Medical Association has estimated that 85% of illnesses can be directly attributed to stress. and businesses are estimated to lose 200 to 300 billion dollars a year in stress related productivity loss. Yet, most of us refuse to place our health as a priority even though it can save money over the long term.

   The Mayo Clinic reports that massage is effective for stress relief, managing anxiety, managing depression and boosting immunity. We all need to give our selves a focused time to relax. It makes us better workers, better parents and healthier people. So, isn't it time we stop putting off our regular massage, keep our massage appointments and look after ourselves? Massage isn't the magic pill, but it is an important step in the right direction to better health and happiness.

   Visit our website or call (360)868-7047 to make an appointment and prioritize your health.